St. Hedwig, Chicago

View of St. Hedwig Church, Chicago, IL
Photo taken 16 April 2015. Photo and text by James J. Czuchra.


Pages 4 and 5 of marriage volume 1 had been skipped over and not filmed. Groom names were deduced from the volume index. Fortunately, someone's ancestor was on those pages and also noticed they were not on the film. They went to the church and got copies of the "missing pages" from the register and sent me a copy so spouse and parent names could be added to this index. Volume 1 of marriage records lists Chicago too often to be anything more than place of residence rather than place of baptism. Some priests left out parent names or included the given names of the parents but not the maiden name of the mother. The records in the early 1900s might have been copied because sometimes the year changed abruptly (or maybe that was an error).

In volume 2 of marriages, the place names are more realistically places of baptism. The problem is that Poland is listed without being narrowed down any further.


The quality of the death records varies. Sometimes there was good handwriting and other time bad writing. For the most part, parent names are given.