
This page lists available lessons on how to use this website. These lesson files are in the MP4 format, so your computer must be able to play files of that type.

Surname Searches on this Website
Text Summary: Information is generally stored in Databases and this is where you should be looking for surnames. The Databases are indexes-- they are not the original records themselves nor complete transcripts. View the next lesson to see what kind of information might also be in the index.

Surname Searches on this Website part 2
This lesson was prepared when the site was still subscriber based so some of its content no longer applies.
Text Summary: The same search used in the previous lesson is conducted. Full names, full dates, event location, and microfilm (source) information are typically provided. When available in the original record, the parents of the individual and place of birth/baptism may be given. Two records are selected for discussion (though the audio still says three). Some records do not contain a link to an online image of the record. This is because the index was prepared from microfilm images and the digital image number is not known. [Not in the lesson: You may need to access some digital images at a Family History Center (FHC) if they are available at all. Some "films" may have licensing issues and are not available at home or even at a FHC.] The second selected record contains a link to an online image. The link takes you to Family Search and we enter the image number for the record we want and hit Enter. The image containing our record is displayed provided we are already logged in at Family Search.

Correction Submission
Text Summary: This lesson is about how to submit corrections to select databases. The record to be changed is selected by clicking its "radio button" on the far left side of the data table. Then click the Submit button at the bottom of the results table. The information in the selected record is displayed. Using the field names in the record, corrections are typed into the text box. Be sure to include a reason for the change. Enter your email address in the email field and select a general reason for the change. Finally click the Submit button of the correction form.

Maps on this Site
Text Summary: This lesson looks at two fundamental types of maps displayed on this website. On type shows diocesan boundaries and Polish parishes within. Clicking an icon brings up the name and address of the church. You can select whether to view the map in street map mode or satellite image mode. You can zoom in or out on a map to get greater or lesser detail. You can move (pan) the map within the view window to see other regions or to center something of interest. Street view (where available) gives ground level images of selected regions. Using panning, you can change directions of view. [Google changed their service rendering the following description obsolete. The second type of map shows a satellite map with an overlay image of a (usually older) paper map for comparing features. There is a slider in the upper right hand corner of the map that controls the relative amounts of underlying satellite image and overlay image that display.]