Village of Mędrzechów Death Index

The following database is an edited version of the work of John Dudek did on the village Mędrzechów in the powiat of Dąbrowa (Tarnowska). Why were they edited? John's original work while suitable for printing did not have a consistent format that is required by computers. So most of the changes had to do with reformatting the data. This includes such issues as misplaced commas and having consistent name spellings where some were data entry errors, some were transcriptional errors, or perhaps the original records were not consistent. This index covers only the village of Mędrzechów, not the whole Mędrzechów parish.

If you are looking for the Zagraniczny family, Mr. Dudek fairly consistently spelled it Zaglaniczny. Be careful with names containing the letter t. The Polish ł looks like a t so some of names have a t where it should be ł. Many of these errors (but not all) were corrected. For example, Pobiegto is really Pobiegło. I suspect that some immigrants from Mędrzechów settled in Bondsville, Hampden County, Massachusetts because one finds many of the same surnames in Ss. Peter & Paul Cemetery in Bondsville.

The death records run from 1785 to early 1901. It would seem that there was a second copy of deaths for 1811 elsewhere on the film as there are duplicate entries for many of these deaths. Most of the duplicates were identical in content but a few have some spelling differences.

Mędrzechów Death Index

Enter information into any of the fields below. It is not necessary to fill in both fields. In fact, doing so is only recommended when the name is very common.

exact match: enter the name exactly the way you want it found (e.g., Adam will find ONLY Adam).

match first: enter the first part of name to be matched (e.g., Adam will find Adam, Adamik, Adamowski).

wildcard search: enter any part of the name (e.g., Adam will find Adam, Adamik, Adamowski, and Hadam).

Provided you are using "match first" or "wildcard search", you may use the % character to represent any number of letters and the _ (underline) character to represent one specific letter. Additional explanation here.