Database Errors -- Why can't I find my ancestors?

Some folks are lucky! They can type a name in Family Search and get all kinds of records with event dates. Poles are generally unlucky because we live in an Anglo world. The problem is that records are often indexed by Anglos who do not have any knowledge of the Polish alphabet or language. When we can't find information, it is likely due to bad indexing. See Indexing Errors for a summary of the most common indexing errors. While some of the indexed material on Family Search allows users to correct errors, it is a lengthy process. It's only something you would do for one or two records.

Why am I fussing about this? Let me illustrate with a concrete example of how poorly done one parish index is. I doubt it's an exception. I copied the LDS index of births for 1862 in the parish of Mrocza in Poland. The handwriting in the record was not perfect but it is readable. I independently read and entered the surnames of the fathers and mothers and later compared them with the LDS index. By my calculation, the LDS index was only about 19% accurate! To be fair, any difference was counted as an error even if the LDS entry was reasonably close. Am I asserting that my 'correct' entries are 100% accurate? No! But I think I did MUCH better that 19%.
Here's the URL to the first page of the records I examined. Mrocza births for 1862

For display below, I left out some of the LDS columns because they seemed nonsensical. The Baptism Place was given as Posen, Preußen, Deutschland. It would have been much more helpful had they said it was Mrocza. Father's Sex was all male. Mother's Sex was all female. It made me wonder if the LDS got 'woke' that they included those two columns. I added a column of my own. The LDS Image is the image number you could use once you are in the Mrocza records following the above link. You are invited to compare father or mother names against the column that follows it. Some significant differences!

Names that appear in italics are corrections to my original readings. How did those corrections come about? The LDS treats each record as a 'one of a kind' entity and so is easily subject to errors. My approach is to analyze the handwriting of one record against others on the same page. For example, if I know how the recorder wrote their B's, I can more confidently pick out all the other B's. I also enter data from multiple years of records. So while the writing may be uncertain in one instance, it may be clearer in other years. If I have recorded the same parents for say five children, I can feel more confident I have the right spelling of the parent names. I also sometimes use other sources to check surnames if available.

Name Baptism Date Birth Date Father's Name My reading Mother's Name My reading LDS Image
Julian Ziotkowtk 12 Jan 1862 7 Jan 1862 Franciscus Ziotkowtk Ziołkowski Marianna Pidwatska Pidwatska
Marianna Wasik 19 Jan 1862 14 Jan 1862 Franz Wasik Wasik Marianna Silarika Pilarska 549
Julianna Josepha Daege 23 Jan 1862 10 Jan 1862 Ludovicus Daege Doege Anna Jarostariki Jarosławska 549
Constantia Piekorski 26 Jan 1862 15 Jan 1862 Gregor Piekorski Piekarski Rosalia Mtadriawaka Młodzianowska 549
Josepha Hdezepsyk 26 Jan 1862 22 Jan 1862 Peter Hdezepsyk Jędrzejczyk Anna Gorska Górska 549
Joannes Szarkowsz 26 Jan 1862 17 Jan 1862 Jacob Szarkowsz Szarkowski Catharina Korrawska Skowrońska 549
Joannes Creszewski 5 Jan 1862 5 Jan 1862 Joannes Creszewski Czeszewski Gertrudis Kloska Kloska 549
Anna Constantia Mseriserski 5 Feb 1862 31 Jan 1862 Anton Mseriserski Mściszewski Marianna Gobeyszek Gabryszek 549
Joannes Oskuscik 7 Feb 1862 7 Feb 1862 Valentin Oskuscik Oszuścik Francisca Paredkowska Pawedkowska 549
Marianna Sobierzowsk 9 Feb 1862 2 Feb 1862 Joseph Sobierzowsk Sobieszczyk Anna Boranowska Baranowska 549
Franz Zerskowski 9 Feb 1862 30 Jan 1862 Joseph Zerskowski Zentkowski Susanna Streyziwski Strzyzewska 549
Apollonia Ruminck 9 Feb 1862 4 Feb 1862 Stanislaus Ruminck Rumniak
Marianna Wretecka Wieteska
Aollonia Polewoswik 16 Feb 1862 9 Feb 1862 Jacob Polewoswik Polewczyński Francisca Pastercki Pasterska 549
Marianna Korpolewski 16 Feb 1862 11 Feb 1862 Paul Korpolewski Korpolewski Marianna Borsyck Borzych 549
Valentin Briolat 13 Feb 1862 10 Feb 1862 Franz Briolat Briolat Agnes Szperhkowska Szperkowska 550
Antonina Braeki 25 Feb 1862 17 Jan 1862 Thomas Braeki Brocki Monica Jenezarska Jenczarska 550
Theoplilus Ptatka 27 Feb 1862 27 Feb 1862 Joannes Ptatka Płatka
Marianna Szwejrowska Szwejkowska 550
Joseph Felix Igoriki 27 Feb 1862 22 Feb 1862 Franz Igoriki Zgórski Marianna Remisz Remisz 550
Catharina Wetwiatz 25 Mar 1862 23 Feb 1862 Valentin Wetwiatz Wełniak Marianna Gapinska Gapińska 550
Vladislaus Leopoldus Brathowsk 2 Mar 1862 3 Feb 1862 Martin Brathowsk Bratkowski Sophia Tobalewska Tobolewska 550
Casimirus Kuligorski 4 Mar 1862 3 Mar 1862 Jacob Kuligorski Kuligowski Marianna Polewerywski Polewczyńska 550
Antonina Ordzgeik 4 Mar 1862 1 Mar 1862 Joseph Ordzgeik Ozdzynski Marianna Berbewska Bembenowska 550
Paulus Keperpika 9 Mar 1862 28 Feb 1862 Michalina Keperpika Kępczyńska 550
Catharina Szinrdzeilerk 9 Mar 1862 3 Mar 1862 Joannes Szinrdzeilerk Dziurdzieleski Anna Dydriescka Kędzierska 550
Josepha Tmudzinck 11 Mar 1862 10 Mar 1862 Apolinarius Tmudzinck Zmudziński Antonina Zachmann Zachmann 550
Josepha Lawinck 23 Mar 1862 19 Mar 1862 Ignatius Lawinck Ławinski Hedwigis Szwyrowsika Szwejkowska 550
Josephus Sabeki 30 Mar 1862 18 Mar 1862 Jacob Sabeki Sobecki Antonina Wietecki Wietecki 550
Marianna Czerzwska 30 Mar 1862 25 Mar 1862 Anna Czerzwska Czeszewska 550
Franz Simon Imudzinck 6 Apr 1862 31 Mar 1862 Ignatius Imudzinck Zmudziński Dorothea Rosinska Rosinska 551
Franz Rozuiski 6 Apr 1862 27 Mar 1862 Joannes Rozuiski Rozinski Anna Adzyncka Ozdzyńska 551
Joannes Jannszkie 6 Apr 1862 31 Mar 1862 Joannes Jannszkie Januszkiewicz Barbara Petaes Petacz 551
Joannes Madzeneki 6 Apr 1862 28 Mar 1862 Peter Madzeneki Modzenski Agnes Zentkorelza Zentkowska 551
Constantin Rodlarski 6 Apr 1862 4 Apr 1862 Joannes Rodlarski Redlarski Marianna Megar Migaś 551
Franz Katas 6 Apr 1862 2 Apr 1862 Joannes Katas Kołas Josepha Urban Urban 551
Pauline Anna Przjborski 8 Apr 1862 7 Apr 1862 Jacob Przjborski Przybowski Anna Bax Rux 551
Julian Borssch 21 Apr 1862 16 Apr 1862 Adam Borssch Borzych Marianna Rloska Kloska 551
Joseph Thomas 27 Apr 1862 23 Apr 1862 Andreas Thomas Thomas Josepha Rgeschoreka Wycichowski 551
Adalbert Palaez 28 Apr 1862 22 Apr 1862 Joannes Palaez Palacz Anna Urezalerelaes Urszulewska
Antonina Karalerez 29 Apr 1862 29 Apr 1862 Thomas Karalerez Kowalewicz Francisca Kicarsker Kicowska 551
Antonius Saeiecha 6 May 1862 5 May 1862 Joannes Saeiecha Pociecha Marianna Jagadelucka Jagodzińska 551
Antonina Fae 23 May 1862 3 May 1862 Adalbert Fae Fac Marianna Parsdzoika Powędzoska
Antonius Zemdeuck 28 May 1862 28 May 1862 Franciscus Zemdeuck Zmudziński Marianna Kuszjuika Kuszyńska 551
Anna Palaez 1 Jun 1862 27 May 1862 Joseph Palaez Palacz Constantia Parelk Paralk
Regina Jankorski 1 Jun 1862 26 May 1862 Theodor Jankorski Jankowski Josepha Belzerortka Belzerowska 552
Anna Pasterzki 8 Jun 1862 13 May 1862 Jacobus Pasterzki Pasterski Antonina Belzerowski Belzerowska 552
Agnes Degl 15 Jun 1862 8 Jun 1862 Joannes Degl Dryl Musiat Musiał 552
Anna Korolski 19 Jun 1862 16 Jun 1862 Peter Korolski Kowalski Marianna Rogorika Rogowska 552
Bronislava Schule 29 Jun 1862 23 Jun 1862 Joseph Schule Schulc Anna Karalska Kowalska 552
Antonina Bembenorik 29 Jun 1862 13 Jun 1862 Joannes Bembenorik Bembenowski Cordula Borzychorki Borzychowska 552
Josephus Frydrycho 29 Jun 1862 26 Jun 1862 Joannes Frydrycho Frydrychowicz Anna Prckarska Piekarska 552
Jacobus Klijewsk 13 Jul 1862 8 Jul 1862 Joseph Klijewsk Klijewski Catharina Kzdzierska Kędzierska 552
Michael Zotgdkie 20 Jul 1862 17 Jul 1862 Joannes Zotgdkie Zołądzkiewicz Anna Zaleweka Zalewska 552
Marianna Hiespodziang 27 Jul 1862 25 Jul 1862 Joannes Hiespodziang Niespodziany Marianna Mandrorcka Wandrowska 552
Antonius Pasterski 13 Jul 1862 Constantin Pasterski Pasterski Gertruda Weppijewcka Wypijewska 552
Victoria Dzinbek 7 Aug 1862 29 Jul 1862 Joanna Dzinbek Dziubek 552
Romanus Thorzercki 10 Aug 1862 7 Aug 1862 Andreas Thorzercki Skorzewski Helena Zoskorcka Liskowska 552
Romanus Alexander Gliszozyrick 10 Aug 1862 2 Aug 1862 Michael Gliszozyrick Gliszczyński Antonina Sereryncka Soweryńska
Angela Zalesk 15 Aug 1862 7 Aug 1862 Mathias Zalesk Zaleski Catharina Ratas Kałaś 553
Kloska 19 Aug 1862 Stephan Kloska Kloska Marianna Graezyk Graczyk 553
Francisca Kaspercki 20 Aug 1862 20 Aug 1862 Theophil Kaspercki Kasperski Cecilia Biatkoska Białkowska 553
Helena Dymelak 24 Aug 1862 7 Aug 1862 Michael Dymelak Dywelski Josepha Schulz Schulz 553
Casimirus Loboda 24 Aug 1862 19 Aug 1862 Anton Loboda Łoboda Anna Mikotajozyk Mikołajczyk 553
Catharina Loboda 24 Aug 1862 19 Aug 1862 Anton Loboda Łoboda Anna Mikotajozyk Mikołajczyk 553
Magdalena Pasterski 8 Aug 1862 3 Aug 1862 Anton Pasterski Pasterski Joanna Tzezupacka Szczupacka 553
Joseph Bartholomeus Szewi 1 Sep 1862 21 Aug 1862 Franz Szewi Szews Marianna Sinda Siuda 553
Rosalia Goseicki 5 Sep 1862 4 Sep 1862 Joannes Goseicki Gościcki Anastasia Msciazewcka Mściszewska 553
Romanus Gorecki 9 Sep 1862 9 Aug 1862 Joannes Gorecki Gorecki Anastasia Mescizercki Mściszewska 553
Maximianus Oszuscik 8 Sep 1862 6 Sep 1862 Simon Oszuscik Orzuścik
Marianna Fajieck Fajucik
Franciscus Przybylski 16 Sep 1862 14 Sep 1862 Joannes Przybylski Przybylski Catharina Matkoska Matkoska 553
Molmk 19 Sep 1862 Adalbert Molmk Wólnik Dorotha Knbera Kubera 553
Marianna Parlith 28 Sep 1862 20 Sep 1862 Peter Parlith Pawlisz Anna Egra Cyra 554
Vladislaus Pokleskowski 28 Sep 1862 19 Sep 1862 Peter Pokleskowski Klękowski Antonina Kresinska Kresinska 554
Michael Schauer 30 Sep 1862 28 Sep 1862 Anton Schauer Schauer Anna Tomaszewcka Tomaszewska 554
Martinus Krzyzan 5 Oct 1862 29 Sep 1862 Jacob Krzyzan Krzyżan Anna Barerkorcka Barcikowska 554
Stanislaus Czeszewcki 27 Sep 1862 Adalbert Czeszewcki Czeszewski Dorothea Hass Hass 554
Marianna Fajueck 8 Oct 1862 7 Oct 1862 Bartholomeus Fajueck Fojucik Catharina Baezkocka Bączkowska 554
Petrus Drehaol 19 Oct 1862 12 Oct 1862 Gaspar Drehaol Dzięcioł Anastasia Koicieraka Kościerska 554
Stanislaus Bilecki 19 Oct 1862 10 Oct 1862 Anton Bilecki Bilecki Antonina Schulz Schulz 554
Elisabeth Reyer 1 Nov 1862 26 Oct 1862 Emilius Reyer Reger Anna Ryeschoraka Wycichowski 554
Marianna Msieszerck 2 Nov 1862 1 Nov 1862 Franz Msieszerck Mściszewski Aniela Jarostarcka Jarosławska 554
Marianna Strejkoski 9 Nov 1862 30 Oct 1862 Gregor Strejkoski Szwejkoski Joanna Roepoheska Korpoleska 554
Josepha Eschy 16 Nov 1862 11 Nov 1862 Adalbert Eschy Cichy Marianna Borzyck Borzych 554
Vladislaus Sajzderzk 20 Nov 1862 16 Nov 1862 Joseph Sajzderzk Pajzderski Josepha Karzyka Korzydza 554
Catharina Oszuscik 23 Nov 1862 19 Nov 1862 Paul Oszuscik Oszuścik Marianna Ryescka Wycichowski 554
Catharina Morck 30 Nov 1862 20 Nov 1862 Anton Morck Morek Victoria Babada Łoboda 555
Horakork 17 Nov 1862 Joseph Horakork Nowakowski Marianna Berdes Berdes 555
Catharina Ozdzynelg 7 Dec 1862 25 Nov 1862 Joannes Ozdzynelg Ozdzynski Marianna Srejna Siejna 555
Joseph Raetarcka 3 Dec 1862 3 Dec 1862 Susanna Raetarcka Wacławska 555
Anna Porazerick 14 Dec 1862 7 Dec 1862 Joseph Porazerick Poraziński Antonina Koklpkoeska Poklękowska 555
Joannes Bzdarke 14 Dec 1862 8 Dec 1862 Simon Bzdarke Bzdawke Catharina Ryrott Rywolt 555
Josephus Rasch 17 Dec 1862 17 Dec 1862 Franz Rasch Wasik Marianna Pilascka Pilarska 555
Adamus Rereyt 14 Dec 1862 14 Dec 1862 Franz Rereyt Reweyt Anna Rechliz Rechlicz 555
Anna Kubera 26 Dec 1862 25 Dec 1862 Tomas Kubera Kubera Dorotha Fae Fac 555
Julianna Kpdzeicki 30 Dec 1862 27 Dec 1862 Bartholomeus Kpdzeicki Kędzierski Theophila Kakas Kałas 555
Samerdak 27 Dec 1862 Bartholomeus Samerdak Samerdak Catharina Schreda Schweda 555
Julianus Frydrychoreiz Jan 1863 31 Dec 1862 Bartholomeus Frydrychoreiz Frydrychowicz Aniela Jaroedarika Jarosławska 555